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Additional establishment information checklist

Food establishments are requested to provide information related to their products and processes. Completion of this information will assist the CFIA Establishment-based Risk Assessment model for food establishments (ERA-Food) in determining the appropriate oversight of your food related activities.

Before you get started

Before you begin adding your establishment's additional information into My CFIA, ensure you have the information you need.

Also, ensure you review the definitions for the terms related to the information you are requested, before entering your information. Terms are explained in the Additional establishment information in My CFIA – glossary of terms.

Step 1: Review your Safe Food for Canadians Licence

Please verify your SFC licence information regarding commodities and activities to ensure it is accurate. For more information on Safe Food for Canadians commodities, refer to Annex A – Food categories identified in the licence application, and activities refer to Annex B – SFCR licensable activities.

Step 2: Review your establishment's implemented mitigation measures

Implemented mitigation measures

Information provided in this section includes any control measure(s) or strategy(ies) implemented by your establishment that can reduce food safety risks to consumers.

Food safety certification schemes

This section is asking you to identify all Food Safety Certification Schemes currently implemented and that have achieved certification. You will be asked to select all that apply.

Note: Certification for the schemes certified to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and the international private certification schemes must have been achieved from a party other than the CFIA

Third party audits related to food safety

Preventive Control Plan (PCP) audited by a third party, other than, or in addition to audits for certification purposes. Only consider audits for food safety, therefore do not consider organic certification audits.

Quality assurance personnel

Rework of returned products

Food safety control of incoming supplies / materials

Activities performed by the establishment to control the food safety risks associated with incoming supplies / materials. You will be asked to select all that apply.

Microbiological sampling plan

Identify which of the following microbiological sampling plans are in place at your establishment (for example: environmental sampling such as food contact surface (FCS) and non-food contact surface (NFCS) as well as finished product sampling). You will be asked to select from:

Step 3: Review your establishment's operational activities

Operational activities

Distribution volume

For each food commodity you identified on your SFC licence you will be asked to provide:

When entering your establishment's distribution volume:

For example:

Screen capture of domestically distributed volume question. Description follows
Description of image – Screen capture of domestically distributed volume question On an annual basis, what is the total volume of product(s) that is domestically distributed from this establishment? This is a required field.
Sub-products and proportion of volume distributed

The CFIA ERA-Food model has further divided each food commodity into sub-products, based on their associated risk.

For each commodity identified in your SFC licence, you will be asked to identify the ERA sub-products distributed by this establishment. Before doing this, refer to the Additional establishment information – glossary of terms to review the sub-products applicable to the commodity and their definitions.

Note regarding fish and seafood: You will also be asked to identify the production sources and species.

Note regarding SFC licence commodities and sub-products: When entering your information, only sub-products associated with your SFC licence identified commodities will appear.

For example: if the SFC licence only identifies meat as the commodity, then only meat sub-product options will be available in the additional establishment information.

Volume calculation

For each sub-product identified, you will be asked to provide its proportion (in percentage) of the total volume distributed by the establishment, identified as a percentage range. Distribution and sub-product volume calculations are based on the commodity and must be calculated per commodity.

Example – calculation of total volume of product distributed (domestic + export) and sub-product percentage of total volume

On an annual basis, an establishment prepares fish products with a total domestically distributed volume of 5000 kg and a total exported volume of 3000 kg. The types of fish sub-products prepared are 2000 kg of ready-to-eat canned fish and 6000 kg of non-ready-to-eat fish.

Example: calculation of total volume of distribution and sub-product percentage of total volume distributed when an establishment prepares more than one commodity

An establishment prepares dairy and egg products:

Process(es) / treatment(s)

In this section you will be asked to estimate the percentage of the total volume of products distributed (domestic and export combined) by the establishment that has been subjected to any of the applicable process(es) / treatment(s) at the establishment.

These processes or treatments could include:

Note: For irradiation of food, high-pressure processing (HPP), carcass steam pasteurization, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), use of antimicrobials and post-packaging thermal processes, only identify these processes / treatments if they are validated.

Note: Slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding refers to the process of slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding of RTE products after a pathogen-lethality/inactivation step OR of RTE products not subjected to any pathogen-lethality/inactivation step.

Volume calculation for slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding RTE products is per commodity

You will be asked to identify the percentage of total volume of products distributed that are subject to slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding – for each food commodity identified (where applicable).

Example 1: Calculation of percentage of total volume of product subject to slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding for one commodity

On an annual basis, an establishment prepares meat products with a total domestically distributed volume of 4000 kg, a total exported volume of 5000 kg; 2000 kg of meat products are sliced, diced, shredded or ground (this volume includes all meat sub-products that are subject to slicing combined …).

When an establishment has more than one commodity with products subject to slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding, you will be asked to provide the percentage of total volume of product (includes all sub-products for the given commodity) – separately – for each commodity.

Example 2: Percentage of total volume and total volume calculation when an establishment has more than one commodity with products subject to slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding

On an annual basis, an establishment prepares

Volume calculation for process(es) / treatment(s) other than slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding – includes all commodities combined

For the purposes of calculating the percentage of total volume of products distributed that have been subject to a process / treatment – other than slicing, dicing…

Example 1 – percentage of total volume and total volume calculation for use of antimicrobials for an establishment preparing one commodity with multiple sub-products

On an annual basis, an establishment prepares fish products with a total domestically distributed volume of 5000 kg, a total exported volume of 3000 kg and antimicrobials are used in 2000 kg of RTE heat treated fish products, and 3000 kg of RTE hot and cold smoked fish products

Example 2 – percentage of total volume and total volume calculation when an establishment uses antimicrobials in more than one food commodity

On an annual basis, an establishment prepares

Vulnerable sub-population

You will be asked to identify the percentage of total volume of products distributed (domestic and export combined) that are either directly intended for vulnerable sub-populations and/or distributed to an institution providing food to a vulnerable sub-population (for example: daycare centres, hospitals, or institutional care centers).

Volume calculation

For the calculation of the percentage of volume of products distributed to vulnerable population, include all sub-products for all commodities combined.

For the calculation of total volume distributed to vulnerable population, include the total volume domestically distributed and total volume exported by the establishment for all commodities combined.

Note: For volume calculations for distribution to a vulnerable population, the examples for process(es) / treatment(s) other than slicing, dicing, shredding or grinding can be followed.

Allergens and substances causing food intolerance

You will be asked to identify all allergens of importance or substances responsible for food intolerance that are handled, processed, and/or stored at your establishment. This list includes:

When dairy or eggs are identified as food commodities in the SFC licence, they are automatically identified as allergens in the Additional Establishment Information.

Listeria policy

Lastly, if applicable, you will be asked to specify the risk category from the Health Canada policy on Listeria monocytogenes in RTE foods (2011) for any RTE product(s) processed by your establishment. The categories are:

Step 4: Find the additional establishment information section in your My CFIA account

Now that you know what information is expected to be provided, sign in to your My CFIA account, and ensure the validated party related to the additional establishment information being entered is selected. Click the white drop down box under Party Administration, and choose the proper validated party then click select:

screen capture of the My CFIA Party Administration box, active party circled in red

For more information about selecting another party profile, see Manage My Account.

After clicking Select, your dashboard will refresh and you will be presented with the Service Request section when you scroll down.

Just above the Service Request section there is a yellow box titled Important Information, in that box; select the hyperlink, additional establishment information, as shown in the image below:

Screen capture of Service Request section of My CFIA dashboard. Description follows
Description of image – My CFIA dashboard Service Request section Import information section circled in red to indicate where clients can click the additional information for establishments link.

Step 5: Select the establishment for which you are providing additional establishment information

After clicking on the additional establishment information link, you will be presented with a list of all establishments associated with your validated party. From this list, click on Status to begin providing your additional establishment information.

There are four possible status options:

Step 6: Enter your additional establishment information in My CFIA

Information logo

Indicates that definitions are provided by moving your curser over text.

drop down box

Indicates a drop down menu will provide selection options.

Required operational activities are identified with a red asterisk and text required.

An error message will be displayed to prompt you to enter any missing required information.

required field box circled in red

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