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Conditions for importing meat products from New Zealand

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1. Meat Inspection systems approved

1.1 Beef, veal: slaughter, cutting, deboning and offal, natural salted animal intestinal casings.

1.2 Sheep, lamb, goat: slaughter, cutting, deboning and offal, natural salted animal intestinal casings.

1.3 Farmed deer: slaughter, cutting, deboning and offal, natural salted animal intestinal casings.

1.4. Ratites – (ostrich, emu, rhea): slaughter, cutting, deboning and offal.

1.5 Processing: comminuting, formulating, curing, cooking and canning.

2. Types of meat products accepted for import (based on animal health restrictions)

2.1 Fresh meat and raw processed meat products (chilled or frozen):

2.1.1 meat and meat products derived from ruminant animals– see section 3.1 for additional certification statements required.

2.1 meat and meat products derived from sheep, lamb and goat – no animal health restrictions.

2.1 meat and meat products derived from ratite – see section 3.2 for additional certification statements required.

2.2 All processed meat products (heat treated and raw), other than shelf stable commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans and/or retortable pouches), and shelf stable dried soup–mix products, bouillon cubes and meat extracts:

2.2.1 meat and meat products derived from ruminant animals– see 3.1 for additional certification statements required.

2.2.2 meat and meat products derived from sheep, lamb and goat – no animal health restrictions.

2.2.3 meat and meat products derived from from ratites – see 3.2 for additional certification statements required.

2.3 Shelf stable commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans and/or retortable pouches) and shelf stable dried soup–mix products, bouillon cubes, meat extracts:

2.3.1 meat products derived from ruminant animals – no animal health restrictions.

2.3.2 meat and meat products derived from sheep, lamb and goat – no animal health restrictions.

2.3.3 meat and meat products derived from from ratites – no animal health restrictions.

3. Additional certification statements/attestations required on the OMIC

The additional certification statements in this section are official statements which must be provided in both official languages, in the order of English first, followed by French.

3.1 For meat and meat products derived from ruminant animals, other than commercially sterile, cooked, canned meat products/Pour la viande et les produits de viande issus de ruminants, autre que les produits de viande commercialement stérilisés, cuits et en conserve:

"I hereby certify that New Zealand has been free of foot and mouth disease, rinderpest or other serious epizootic disease for not less than six months, and that anthrax is not prevalent in New Zealand."

« Je certifie que la Nouvelle–Zélande a été exempt de la fièvre aphteuse, de la peste bovine ou d'autres maladies épizootiques graves pour pas moins de six mois, et que la fièvre charbonneuse n'est pas prévalent à la Nouvelle–Zélande. »

3.2 For meat and meat products derived from ratites, other than commercially sterile, cooked, canned meat products/Pour la viande et les produits de viande issus de ratites, autre que les produits de viande commercialement stérilisés, cuits et en conserve:

"The meat products were derived from ratites which have been kept in New Zealand since they were hatched or for at least the last 21 days prior to their slaughter."

« Les produits de viande qui proviennent de ratites qui ont séjourné en Nouvelle-Zélande depuis leur éclosion ou au moins pendant les 21 derniers jours précédant leur abattage. »

4. Additional certificates (documents) required


5. Establishments eligible for export to Canada

5.1 Refer to the List of foreign countries establishments eligible to export meat products to Canada

6. Specific import and final use conditions and restrictions

6.1 See the Export Requirements Library for possible export restrictions.

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