Fee changes under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

As of March 31, 2020, CFIA fees are subject to an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Please refer to CFIA's Fees Notice for updated fee amounts.

The CFIA updated its fees to align with the new set of authorities under the Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations. Businesses that import or prepare food for export or to be sent across provincial or territorial borders now need a Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence. Historical fees for the registration of an establishment have been converted into establishment inspection fees. These inspection fees are in addition to the cost for the SFC licence and are payable upon the first inspection in a given year. Please refer to CFIA's Fees Notice for updated fee amounts.

Table 1: High-level summary of fees changes for SFCR
Sector Old fee New fee


No licence

Registration fee based on volume processed/produced

Import and export fees

Two-year SFC licence fee

Inspection fee based on volume processed/produced

Import and export fees

Eggs & Processed Eggs

No licence

Per hour fee for inspection at a registered processed egg station.

Per shipment import and export fees for inspection of eggs

Per hour fee for inspection of processed egg for export

Per shipment import and export fees for inspection of processed eggs

Two-year SFC licence fee

Per hour fee for inspection upon written request for a certificate of inspection.

Per shipment import and export fees for inspection of eggs

Per hour fee for inspection of processed egg for export

Per shipment import and export fees for inspection of processed eggs

Fresh fruit and vegetables

No licence

Fee for Agricultural Product Dealer's licence

Fee for registration of a produce warehouse or the renewal of an existing registration

Fee for the issuance of a release permit for the interprovincial trade of apples, potatoes or blueberries

Fee for inspection of produce, grading or monitoring of produce into Canada

Two-year SFC licence fee

Replaced by being a member in good standing with the Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation



Fee for inspection of produce, grading or monitoring of produce into Canada


No licence

Registration fee for establishment

Per shipment import and export fee

Two-year SFC licence fee

Establishment inspection fee

Per shipment import and export fee

Maple product

No licence

Registration fee for establishment

Import and export fee

Two-year SFC licence fee

Establishment inspection fee

Import and export fee

Meat inspection

No licence

Per year fee for inspection of a registered storage establishment and the meat products in it

Work shift fees vary depending on slaughter/processing/species

Import and export fee

Two-year SFC licence fee

Per year fee for inspection of an establishment identified in a licence and the meat products in it

Work shift fees vary depending on slaughter/processing/species

Import and export fee

Processed products

No licence

Fee for registration of establishment

Import and export fees

Two-year SFC licence fee

Establishment inspection fee

Import and export fees

Fish inspection

Fee for a basic licence or fee for QMPI licence for importing fish

Fee for the application of a certificate of registration for an establishment

Fee per type of fish processing operation if processing area is greater than 300 square metres

Fee per kg of imported product

Fees for inspections for export certificates

Two-year SFC licence fee

Establishment inspection fee

Fee per type of fish processing operation if processing area is greater than 300 square metres

Fee per kg of imported product

Fees for inspections for export certificates